Friday, 13.09.2019 - Friday, 13.09.2019

Riga Security Forum 2019

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, and Embassies of Poland and Canada in Latvia on September 13, 2019, held the Riga Security Forum 2019.

Building on the experience of three consecutive LIIA public discussions devoted to the topical issues of NATO, Riga Security Forum aimed to gather key international policymakers, industry leaders, as well as military and civilian experts to discuss events, trends, opportunities and challenges lying ahead for the transatlantic community and NATO. In various formats, participants discussed NATO’s achievements and challenges including the Baltic States in NATO, NATO-Russia relations, the concept for transatlantic security as well as emerging threats in a transnational environment.


The video recordings from each of the discussion please see below:

Opening and keynote adress 

Opening high-level quartet: 15 of 70: NATO and the Baltic states

Global discussion: Transforming Security Governance

Regional discussion: Baltic (In)Defense Ability?

Debate on NATO and Russia

Transatlantic (In)Security Link: A Partnership in Flux?

Baltic States

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