FES office in Latvia

Latvia presents itself as a responsible partner and supportive member of the international community.

Since its accession to the EU and NATO in 2004, Latvia has been striving, even as a small member state, to take on responsibility and give its own position a voice. Hence, the Baltic country is a candidate for a seat on the UN Security Council from 2026-2027 and is involved in various initiatives and partnerships to promote the role of Eastern European states. Latvia's geopolitical secutiry interests are one of the countries primary concerns with regard to neighbouring Russia, which is perceived as constant threat.

Latvia has managed to build a stable democratic system. Nevertheless, traces of the Soviet era are apparent in the societies' political disinterest and skeptisicm towards politics resulting in low voter turnout and weak civic and political participation. The party system is inconsistent and characterized by the frequent formation of new parties and splintering off of a smaller groups. In addition, ethnic issues take up a significant amount of space in the political discourse. In particular, integrating the large Russian minority and closing the divisions in society are major challanges. The pursuit of economic growth is crucial for Latvia and a pronounced capitalism dominates the economic system, making the implementation of labour rights and more social measures difficult.

The FES has set itself the goal of strenghtening civil society and political participation, supporting dialogue with politicians and representatives of state institutions from Germany and ensuring social security, as well as creating an exchange between the majority and minority groups. The central discourses about necessary social and economic reform processes, security policy issues as well as the role of Latvia as an active member of the EU and NATO are to be promoted by local projects, political consultation and mediation together with representatives from politics, science and civil society.

Related Events

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Recent Publications

Realizing social justice

Krūmina, Marija; Gerber, Dominik

Realizing social justice

Latvia's pension system in focus
Riga, 2024

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

Who does (not) have a seat in the Lithuanian parliament?

Gudžinskas, Liutauras; Jonutis, Karolis

Who does (not) have a seat in the Lithuanian parliament?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (470 KB, PDF-File)

Kas (ne)turi vietos Lietuvos seime?

Gudžinskas, Liutauras; Jonutis, Karolis

Kas (ne)turi vietos Lietuvos seime?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (530 KB, PDF-File)

Baltic States

Latvia Office
Dzirnavu iela 37-64
LV 1010 Riga

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