
Online platforms and platform work: Lithuania

Blaziene, Inga

Online platforms and platform work: Lithuania

Brussels, 2023

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Estonia : trade union monitor

Estonia : trade union monitor

Berlin, 2023

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Latvia : trade union monitor

Latvia : trade union monitor

Berlin, 2023

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Lithuania : trade union monitor

Lithuania : trade union monitor

Berlin, 2023-

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Lettland : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Lettland : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

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Feeling cornered

Krumm, Reinhard; Stamberg, Tõnis; Strapatšuk, Irina

Feeling cornered

An analysis of the Russian-speaking minority in Estonia
Tallinn, 2023

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Energy without Russia: Country report Latvia

Pētersone, Krista

Energy without Russia: Country report Latvia

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Energy without Russia: Country report Estonia

Lepmets, Joanna

Energy without Russia: Country report Estonia

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

Download publication (590 KB, PDF-File)

Under pressure

Krumm, Reinhard; Šukevićs, Krists; Zariņš, Toms

Under pressure

An analysis of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia
Riga, 2023

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Online platforms and platform work: Latvia

Online platforms and platform work: Latvia

Brussels, 2023

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Industrial policy for a new growth model

Industrial policy for a new growth model

Country briefing Estonia
Budapest, 2023

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Industrial policy for a new growth model

Industrial policy for a new growth model

Country briefing Latvia
Budapest, 2023

Download publication (890 KB, PDF-File)

Baltic States

Latvia Office
Dzirnavu iela 37-64 
LV 1010 Riga

Lithuania Office
A. Jakšto g. 6a/8-34
LT-01105 Vilnius

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