
The future of the welfare state in the Baltic Sea region

The future of the welfare state in the Baltic Sea region

Warschau, 2018

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Euroscepticism in the Baltic states

Euroscepticism in the Baltic states

uncovering issues, people and stereotypes
Riga, 2018

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Riga Dialogue aftherthoughts 2017

Riga Dialogue aftherthoughts 2017

Transforming euro-Atlantic security landscapes
Riga, 2018

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Municipal council elections in Estonia 2017

Veebel, Viljar

Municipal council elections in Estonia 2017

Success of decoy ducks and ruling parties
Riga, 2017

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EU-Skepsis in den baltischen Staaten

Austers, Aldis

EU-Skepsis in den baltischen Staaten

Viel Lärm um nichts?
Riga, 2017

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Euroscepticism in the Baltic states

Austers, Aldis

Euroscepticism in the Baltic states

Much ado about nothing?
Riga, 2017

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Deterring Russia in the Baltic Sea region

Rostoks, Toms; Vanaga, Nora

Deterring Russia in the Baltic Sea region

Latvia's defence developments in regional context
Riga, 2017

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Change in sight?

Ijabs, Ivars

Change in sight?

2017 local elections and the left-wing landscape in Latvia
Riga, 2017

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Latvian foreign and security policy

Latvian foreign and security policy

Yearbook 2017
Riga, 2018

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Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika

Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika

Gadagrāmata 2017
Riga, 2018

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Annual review of labour relations and social dialogue

Ungure, Elza; Lulle, Aija

Annual review of labour relations and social dialogue

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania : 2016
Bratislava, 2017

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Latvijas ārējā un drošības politika

Gadagrāmata ...
Riga, 2018

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